4Corners Red Hot Relay Recap

It was a mild and sunny morning for the 4Corners Riversports Red Hot Relay on Saturday, January 28! Racers picked up their bibs from a small, helpful unicorn and her assistant before heading down to the Stadium for the race start. Course designer Brent Brown shook things up by sending racers CLOCKWISE on some of our favorite trails for the 3 km course. It was a strong group of amigos who took the lead, and in the end, the Trek Amigos triumphed over the Ski Amigos, asking, “Where’s Wiley?” The biggest little Wildflower anchored her team, and zoomed to the end she got caught by anyone yelling, “It’s a Sweater!” Bettier than You battled it out with Abe’s Team, while the Tutued Mice chased down some Assorted Candies. Even the Buns of Steel couldn’t catch the UniTu’s, and the Clown Show got distracted by the Block Party while the Lil' Smokies kept an eye out for hazard trees. The Dingler Family and the Salad Shooters laughed at the chaos and kept on skiing.

Thanks to everyone who came out to support our youth programs!

Thanks to Frank & Teagan Mapel for their photos, and our awesome volunteers for keeping the show going.

The officialist of the official results can be found here.

Photos above by Frank Mapel; below by Teagan Mapel